Frequently Asked Questions

Microblading is a procedure that uses tiny needles to mark the skin with fine, hair-like lines. Fine lines: The pigment is etched in to the skin and creates a natural looking, semi-permanent brow.

This varies from person to person and a color refresh is recommended on average from 12-24 months after your initial microblading procedure.

Investing an hour or two of your time can make you beautiful for years to come. The procedure is split into 2 appointments, which are 4-6 weeks apart to allow for the healing process to complete. The initial procedure will take a hour to hour and half, and your second appointment takes from 30-60 minutes.

No, if you fall under the following: “Who may not be a candidate for Microblading?” you may require for a test.

We take every precaution necessary to ensure the micro-pigmentation application is as pain free as possible. Before the application we apply a topical numbing cream for your comfort. Some clients find the procedure a little uncomfortable, whereas other clients report no discomfort at all.

You do not have to hide from the world until you are healed. Many clients can walk right out the door, ready to show off their new brows. Initially stronger in color, your new brows will soften to a natural looking and beautiful Color in two to three weeks.

A noticeable difference will be readily apparent immediately following the microblading procedure. You will see your final results after the healing process is fully completed, usually in two to three weeks.

We choose a shape and style together. At the beginning of the microblading procedure, We will draw in a suggested shape for your new brows and then we work together to perfect this to your preference and measurements are taken to check symmetry and position.

We choose a color together by applying small amounts of different Colored pigments to the skin near to your brows and selecting the best match for your skin tone, features and personal preference.

Cosmetics and medical tattooing have been proven to be safe. Many medical professionals, who perform their own tattooing, use the same pigments that we use. People have been placing Color in their skins for a very long time and through the years a generally accepted list of Color additives, which are expected to perform well, have proven to be safe. The FDA does not regulate the Colors that are used in tattooing nor do they regulate Colors used in cosmetics. Our supplier’s ingredients for our inorganic pigments are iron oxides, distilled water, alcohol, glycerine and general Colors that are found in all retail makeup.

Your brows may be a little swollen, red and sometimes a bit white. This is all very normal. They will be considerably darker for the first week, before they begin to fade out to a softer color.

Your body’s skin changes over time and so will any permanent makeup coloration implanted in to the skins layers. However, this natural fading process takes years and touch ups are easily done as your colors fade over time.

No you cannot have this treatment done, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

The area can be a little sore for the first few hours and then tender to the touch for a couple of days.

NO! Semi-Permanent makeup is done using a cosmetic tattooing process and our eyebrow pigmentation unique artistry guarantees soft, natural looking eyebrows. When we implant semi-permanent makeup pigment in the skin, it appears more natural looking than even topically applied cosmetics.

Although the procedure is considered semi-permanent, these procedures do have flexibility in changing color and shape to some extent. colors will appear much darker immediately following the procedure but will often soften and lighten during the healing process. The healing time is different for each individual and remember it takes time to adjust to a new look!

During the procedure there may be some minor bleeding. This will depend on the client. If a person is taking blood thinners on a daily basis, then some slight bleeding may occur. Bruising is rare but if a person is on blood thinners, then bruising could occur. There is usually some tenderness for a few days. The color is much darker than you may expect for the first six to ten days.

The simple answer is, anyone that wants to have full, beautiful brows all day, every day! That would include busy parents or business people who don’t have much time to apply brow make up, active people who don’t want to worry about sweating off makeup while working out or swimming, or any person who struggles with getting that perfect shape that the celebrities and YouTube makeup artists always seem to have. Other clients include those suffering from scarring, Trichotillomania, Alopecia and Cancer, or other diseases and disorders that have led to natural hair loss.

  • Pregnant or nursing
  • Diabetic
  • Epilepsy
  • A Pacemaker or heart problems
  • Had a organ transplant
  • sick, cold or flu
  • Allergy to Nickel (blade)
  • Taking blood thinners
  • Skin irritations near the area such as sunburn or Psoriasis
  • Taking sun sensitizing medications
  • Botox within last 2 weeks
  • Accutane within last year
  • History of keloid scarring
  • Auto-immune deficiencies
  • People suffering from severe acne
  • Pregnant women
  • Chemotherapy patients will need to check with their physician and provide a doctor’s note
  • People with conditions that cause them to bleed very easily (this impacts results)
  • People with prior permanent makeup may not be good candidates. This is determined by consultation.

All transactions are final and no refunds will be issued.

Care Instructions are provided to achieve optimal results, but there is NO guarantee made as we have no control what happens during the healing process.

Since Microblading is semi-permanent you won’t need to waste any more time filling in your brows to have them look presentable. All women can benefit from the time saved thanks to microblading.

Microblading implants pigments into the first 3 layers of skin. Without having to add any makeup, clients can enjoy any physical activity without the worry of losing the look of their brows.

Microblading lasts 1-3 years based on environmental factors like sun exposure. It’s not permanent, but semi-permanent. It allows you to change the shape of the brow with new trends since only lasts 1-3 years

Microblading is very safe in the hands of a professional microblading artist. It is minimally invasive and has very little down time!